Monday, January 26, 2009


Look at the box with all the windows
The RAs spend their days
wasting away in the box.
5 hours a week each
Just sitting there in the box.
Others see it as a fishbowl life
A life of being looked at
with the occasional tap-tap on the glass
What they don't realize
is that it is Their lives that are fishbowls.
The RAs spend their days
observing from the box
5 hours a week each
sometimes more if they're bored
Just sitting there in the box
watching as the residents wander by
listening to all the gossip and the stories.
The residents have no idea
that they are living in a fishbowl life
A life of being looked at, watched
with the occasional conversation
only to be used to find out further detail
of the stories they eavesdropped on earlier.
So next time you think
someone is living a fishbowl life
take a good look around you
and see that you are too.

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